Who we work with

University of Life Sciences in Lublin

Dr hab. eng. Aldona Sobota and her team, in collaboration with Dominik Polak – President of Polmak Pasta Factory, created a product containing carbohydrates with a low glycemic index and load, reminiscent in taste, color, and consistency of wheat pastas.
The recipes and first samples were developed thanks to cooperation with the University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Faculty of Food Science and Biotechnology.

It was the university staff that found unusual ingredients, thanks to which our pasta has such low parameters of glycemic index and load.

Our project

As part of the project, based on the results of research on the chemical composition and physical properties of various plant raw materials, preliminary model pasta recipes were developed. Subsequently, after conducting tests, the optimal recipe variants were selected, and the assumptions for the production technology were developed.

The final stage of the work involved determining the in vivo glycemic index of the pastas and testing selected recipes in pilot tests on an industrial scale.

Our efforts:


Tested recipes


Months of work


Raw materials

The result of these efforts is a product with a very low glycemic index,
which tastes and looks like ordinary, yellow pasta.

Collaboration with a clinical dietitian

Magdalena Makarowska

A certified clinical dietitian, psychodietitian, biotechnologist, educator, owner of the dietary clinic Magdalena Makarowska Dietotherapy in Lodz, author and co-author of over 30 healthy eating guides, including: “Eat Deliciously with Low Glycemic Index”, “Diet for Insulin Resistance”, and many others. She is a graduate of several medical universities in Poland. She holds numerous trainings and certificates—continuously developing her professional skills.

As a specialist of the Polish Society for the Study of Obesity and a member of the Foundation –Insulin Resistance Healthy Diet, Healthy Life – her main task is undoubtedly the prevention of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Her approach to nutrition is based on promoting diets with a low glycemic index and load as a way to achieve a proper relationship with food.

Magdalena Makarowska’s life motto is:

You are what you eat, so eat beautifully!

According to her, a wise diet, that is a way of life and not a temporary fashion, ensures our health up to 90%.

She sees diet not as a nutritional regime, but as a conscious listening to the needs of one’s body and shaping metabolism through properly composed, delicious, and fresh meals, based on minimally processed products.

She is convinced that changing eating habits and embarking on the nutritional path to health are possible at any stage of our life.

Magdalena is a true expert in healthy eating and insulin resistance. For this reason, she agreed to become the ambassador of Low GI Pasta and confidently recommends it to her patients. We are immensely pleased that someone with such a wealth of knowledge and experience understood the purpose behind this product’s creation, which was to create a low GI pasta that tastes and looks no different from traditional pasta, making it easier for many people to make healthier dietary choices.

She is also the author of many contents on this site, ensuring that we only convey reliable and verified information here.

Are we piqued your interest?

Check out the articles or visit our Instagram at niskiig_pl, where Magdalena shares her knowledge, tips, and advice, giving you the chance to delve into the topic of low glycemic index in diet.

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