Diabetics and insulin resistance individuals

An appropriate diet is the foundation of combating diabetes and insulin resistance. Through the correct selection of products, it is possible to slow down the progression of the disease. The basic principle is to choose products with a low glycemic index and to compose meals in accordance with the principles of low glycemic load.

Compose meals in accordance with the principle of low glycemic load. How to do it?
Just make sure that half of your plate consists of vegetables, a quarter of the plate comprises healthy complex carbohydrates, and the remaining quarter contains a valuable source of protein. Such a well-composed meal guarantees success on a low-GI diet!

10 basic dietary guidelines for diabetics and insulin resistance individuals:

1. Choose complex carbohydrates that are a source of fiber, which positively influences glycemic control (whole-grain rye, buckwheat or durum wheat pasta, coarse groats, brown rice, rye bread, oat flakes, legume seeds), and avoid simple carbohydrates found in products made from white refined flour (wheat pasta, white bread, sweet pastries, white parboiled rice, products with added sugar and glucose-fructose syrup).
2. Limit red meat and processed meats. As a valuable source of protein, opt for lean poultry, fish, low-fat dairy, and legumes (beans, lentils, chickpeas, soy).
3. Use healthy fats for cooking – like olive oil or canola oil, and exclude animal fats from your diet.
4. Ensure that half of your plate consists of vegetables, both raw and cooked. Eat vegetables at the beginning of your meal to limit the glucose spike in your blood after consumption! Moreover, vegetables are a great nourishment for our gut flora, which is the foundation of our intestinal health.
5. Ensure the presence of dairy products in your diet as a source of calcium – opt for natural yogurts and low-fat cottage cheese.
6. Combine them with yogurts and nuts to prevent a spike in blood glucose after consuming the fruits.
7. Ensure proper caloric intake of your diet tailored to your lifestyle, health condition, and physical activity.
8. Avoid frying – boil, bake, and steam your meals.
9. Drink an adequate amount of fluids, preferably water, at about 30 ml per kg of body weight.
10. Don’t forget about exercise! 10,000 steps a day is the first step towards health.


Magdalena Makarowska - Clinical Dietitian

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