People on a diet

If you’re watching your weight, you don’t have to give up pasta while on a diet. The high protein content in our pastas helps prolong the feeling of fullness, which in turn aids in weight management.

Do you love pasta but are currently on a weight loss diet? Find out how to sensibly conduct the weight loss process and learn more about low glycemic index pasta.

Whether you want to lose a few or several kilograms, the process of body mass reduction should be conducted sensibly, as a poorly adjusted caloric deficit can lead to deficiencies in the body and the much-dreaded yo-yo effect.

A weight loss diet often associates with restrictions and the inability to consume favorite meals. But does it really have to be like this? The truth lies somewhere in the middle! To lose excess pounds, maintaining a caloric deficit is necessary, which can entail certain limitations if your diet has previously exceeded the needs of your body. It’s important to understand that aiming for your target body weight is not just a race against time or a battle with the pounds. It is, above all, about caring for your physical and mental health and working on habits that support your body. Research shows that specific aspects of our diet and lifestyle play a crucial role in long-term weight control. Therefore, an approach that is comprehensive yet considers the individual needs of each person is essential.

The first step on this journey is understanding why it’s worth the effort to achieve a healthy body weight. Its reduction lowers the risk of diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and musculoskeletal system problems. It also improves physical fitness, making us more efficient and feeling better. In the weight loss process, the importance of physical activity cannot be overlooked. Exercises help burn calories, strengthen muscles, and positively affect insulin sensitivity.

From a nutritional point of view, the key to weight loss is maintaining an energy deficit. It occurs when we burn more calories than we consume. This can be achieved by reducing the portion sizes of meals we eat, using alternatives with a lower energy density (containing fewer calories), and increasing the amount of physical activity. However, remember that an energy deficit does not mean fasting, and your body needs energy for basic life functions! Studies have shown that restrictive diets, especially those with a very low caloric supply or eliminating entire product groups, can lead to undesirable effects – such as binge eating. Physical activity should also be chosen sensibly, adjusted to our capabilities and physical condition to avoid injuries. It’s worth seeking activities that bring joy – in this case, we no longer exercise “because we have to” but “because we want to” – our internal dialogue plays a very important role!

One of the secrets to successful weight loss is consuming products with a low glycemic index.

Incorporating foods with a low glycemic index into your diet brings many benefits to our health. Such products positively affect reducing blood sugar levels after a meal and decrease insulin secretion. As a result, the body absorbs them more slowly, leading to a prolonged feeling of fullness. By choosing products with a low or medium glycemic index and load, we ensure that our diet is properly balanced. The slow digestion of these products reduces the desire to snack between meals. A well-composed diet with a low glycemic index can help us avoid unwanted snacks that often introduce unnecessary calories. High glycemic index products, such as white rice, wheat rolls, and sweetened breakfast cereals, cause a quick and short-term increase in glucose levels. After such a meal, you will likely feel the urge for another snack quite soon.

Therefore, it’s important to pay attention to the quality and composition of our meals, to support health and well-being daily. If you think that during weight reduction you won’t be able to enjoy the taste of pasta, we encourage you to try low glycemic index pasta. Thanks to its carefully composed ingredients: protein and fiber content, this pasta, cooked for 7 minutes, retains a low glycemic index and can become part of a healthy, balanced reduction diet.

If you’re at a loss for what dish to prepare first, check out this recipe in a one-day menu for delicious Mediterranean-style pasta.


Agata Lewartowska

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